Inversion Technique: Learn How to Carve Linoleum To Create Your Very Own Texture Plate with Clement Marquaire - 2023 Featured Artist
This workshop meets Friday and Saturday, August 25 & 26
9AM-5PM with a lunch break
This workshop is recommended for students with metal clay experience and is not intended for total beginners.
During this class I'll teach you my signature technique that I've named The Inversion Technique. This is a carving technique that allows you to create your very own texture plate and which can be apply to any project with metal clay. You'll learn all about linoleum carving; tools, techniques, tips and tricks. I'll give you tips on how to not feel blocked when trying to make your own design along with method for drawing mandala and geometrical pattern designs. Once your drawing is complete you will carve it in linoleum with the technique I've taught you. You'll then learn how to use your plate to transfer the design in metal clay and form the shape of the bracelet. I'll give you all my tips and tricks to make your bracelet perfect for firing along with my method for finishing it once fired.
TECHNIQUES OR SKILLS STUDENTS WILL LEARN Inversion Technique: handmade, homemade texture plate / mold, made in Linoleum, Linoleum carving techniques, Carving tools, Geometric patterns, mandala and tips and tricks to create their very own designs
Lose the fear of not doing good and simply do! Drawing, tools for lino, preparation of the lino plate, Transferring design made in the lino to metal clay the easy way! Cheap tools that help you get perfect result; Forming a cuff bracelet out of textured clay; Repairing dry clay; and sanding dry clay to make the most of the Inversion Technique.
Firing cuff bracelet: firing art clay 950 for cuff bracelet. Bronze and base metal firing explained; Oxidation of a large piece with Liver of sulfur or gosiba; Sanding and polishing fired metal clay to get the most of this technique; reshaping fired cuff bracelet on a steel mandrel
Registration fee: $390
A kit fee of $15 to $60 depending of the quality of carving tools students want (if they don't bring their own) will be collected by the instructor during the workshop.
A supply list will be forwarded to registered students and includes online links and descriptions of all tools needed.